Frequently asked questions

Are your tortillas gluten free?
They are indeed, we use 100% hasa harina nixtamalised corn flour to make our tortillas. Our whole kitchen is a gluten free zone. No gluten is used in our kitchen or any of our taco truck’s recipes.

What does “Production Date” mean?
A Production date is the date your tortillas will be produced and dispatched. If you are within our local radius and have chosen local delivery you will receive your tortillas same-day. If you have chosen next-day courier, your tortillas should arrive the day after your production date.

Why is there no availability for placing an order?
Our tortillas are popular. We also have limited capacity which we have to balance between wholesale and retail orders. If you can’t place a wholesale order here you can still buy retail at MASA Tortillas but we may have reached capacity for wholesale orders.

My order hasn’t arrived, what should I do?
The first thing you should do is check your order confirmation to see which production date you chose. This is the date your tortillas will have been dispatched by the courier. If your tortillas have been dispatched and you provided us with correct contact details you should have had an email from the courier. You can use this info to track your parcel. Please contact the courier if there have been any delays before contacting us.

What is the best way of storing the tortillas?
Store your tortillas in the fridge when you receive them if you plan on eating them within 3 days. If you plan on eating them later then this we recommend freezing them as soon as possible. While in the fridge or freezer keep your tortillas either in their original sealed bag, a zip-lock bag or an airtight container.

Can your tortillas be frozen?
For sure! Our tortillas freeze and defrost brilliantly as long as you do it properly. Transfer your tortillas to an airtight bag or container before freezing. Defrost in the fridge overnight or at room temperature and keep in the bag or container until completely defrosted. Once defrosted, use as normal.

What is the best way of heating the tortillas?
Put the tortillas on a seasoned or non-stick (but dry) frying pan, griddle or comal on a high heat. The tortillas will flatten and start to puff up after 10-15 seconds, flip the tortillas for 5-10 seconds and then remove and place in a tortilla warmer.

My tortillas are going hard, what am I doing wrong?
Either you are over cooking them or you are using them straight off the heat rather than allowing them to steam a little in a warmer first.

I think I’ve over-cooked a batch, can they be saved?
Probably yes, put them in a tortilla warmer or in a clean tea towel and keep adding the rest of your tortillas on top and below. Leave for 5 mins and they should have steamed and softened.

My tortillas are flaking and falling apart, what am i doing wrong?
Our tortillas are super fresh and softer than what you might be used to. If they are flaking it could be down to a few reasons. You may have defrosted them exposed rather than keeping them in a bag or container, this causes them to dry out. Another reason could be that your frying pan or comal is not hot enough or that you are under-cooking the tortillas. Try turning the heat up, leaving them on the griddle a bit longer or doing a 3rd flip.

What’s the shelf life of your fresh tortillas?
Think of our fresh tortillas as you would fresh bread. We put a 5 day best before on our tortillas when they come off the machine, for storage in the fridge, but you can freeze them well for 1-2 months.

Any tips for leftover tortillas or tortillas approaching the best before?
Tortilla Chips! Cut the tortillas into triangles and place on a baking tray in the oven for 10-15 mins and they will crisp up beautifully into healthy tortilla chips, drizzle some olive oil on them and a pinch of good salt and get dipping in guacamole! Alternatively slice into strips and bake or fry for the start of a tortilla soup.

I’ve placed an order but forgot to add delivery, what should I do?
No problem, just re-enter the store using this link and add the ‘forgotten to add delivery’ item to your basket, pay for delivery as normal and we’ll pick it up.